Past Speaking Engagements

“The Importance of Prescribing Psychologists in the Military”
Invited Speaker: Society for Military Psychology, Division 19 National Conference, Think Tank Webinar
Catholic University, Washington, D.C. - May 30, 2019

"A Revolution in Healthcare:  Prescribing Psychologists"
Invited Keynote Speaker
Society for Military Psychology, Division 19 National Conference
Adler University, Chicago, Illinois - May 30, 2019

 "Finding your way Through the Mental Health System Maze"
Invited Chair, Symposium: NAMI Illinois State Convention
Northbrook, Illinois - October 13, 2017

 "The Revolution in Healthcare:  Prescribing Psychologists"
Invited Speaker
University of Illinois Undergraduate Department of Psychology Lecture
Champaign, Illinois - October 5, 2017

 "Update on Prescriptive Authority around the Country"
Invited Speaker, APA Division 55: American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC - August 4, 2017

"The American Election and Political Trauma:  The Psychologist's Role in Healing America"
Invited Discussant, APA Division 12: American Psychological Association Annual Convention
Washington, DC - August 5, 2017

"Psychology and Social Justice"
Invited Speaker: Center for Jewish Life, Hillel at Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey - May 4, 2017

“Training to Become a Prescribing Psychologist in Illinois”
Invited Speaker: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Psychology Department Undergraduates
Champaign, Illinois - October 27, 2016

“Sometimes David Wins:  The Unlikely Story of how an RxP Bill became Law in Illinois”
Invited Speaker: Primary Care Psychology Associates
Chicago, Illinois - October 19, 2016

Update on the Illinois Prescriptive Authority Law
Invited Speaker: Illinois Department of Corrections
Entire Corrections Staff,  including all mental health workers and law enforcement personnel
Springfield, Illinois - September 7, 2016

"The Illinois Model of RxP:  Why it Works"
Invited Speaker, APA Division 55: APA Annual Convention
Denver, Colorado - August 5, 2016

"Sometimes David Wins:  The Unlikely Story of how an RxP Bill became Law in Illinois"
* Invited Speaker: Psychology Graduate Students - The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Chicago, Illinois - June 16, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Psychology Graduate Students - Adler University
Chicago, Illinois - June 16, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Psychology Interns - Chicago Lakeshore Hospital
Chicago, Illinois - June 10, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) Annual Meeting
North Shore Evanston Hospital
Evanston, Illinois - April 30, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Upper Class Seminar:  Public Health, Politics, and Public Safety
Princeton University Center for Global Health, Woodrow Wilson School
Princeton, New Jersey - April 18, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Division 55/California Psychological Association Division 5 (Clinical          Psychopharmacology) Annual Meeting
San Diego, California - March 5th and March 6th, 2016

* Invited Speaker: NOVA Southeastern University
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - February 10, 2016

* Invited Speaker: Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Statewide Convention
Tulsa, Oklahoma - November 13, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Indiana Psychological Association Annual Statewide Convention
Indianapolis, Indiana - November 7, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Executive Management Team, Division of Mental Health, Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS)
Chicago, Illinois - November 3, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Dominican University, Psychology Undergraduates
River Forest, Illinois - October 28, 2015

* Invited Speaker: The Loyola University Medical Center, Staff Psychologists
Maywood, Illinois - October 1, 2015

* Invited Speaker: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Psi-Chi, Psychology Undergraduate Honor Society
Champaign, Illinois - September 9, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Mathers Clinic, Staff Psychologists
Woodstock, Illinois - August 21, 2015

* Invited Speaker:  TMS Psychological Services, Staff Psychologists
Hinsdale, Illinois - July 17, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Florida Psychological Association Annual Statewide Convention
Orlando, Florida - July 11, 2011

* Invited Speaker: Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Staff  Health Psychologists
Chicago, Illinois - June 25, 2015

* Invited Speaker: Chicago Lakeshore Hospital, Children's Pavilion Predoctoral  Psychology Interns
Chicago, Illinois - June 10, 2015

* Invited Speaker, Pediatric Psychology Practice
Carbondale, Illinois - May 22, 2015

* Invited Speaker, Southern Illinois University, Psychology Department Faculty
Carbondale, Illinois - May 22, 2015

* Invited Speaker, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Psychology Division
Park Ridge, Illinois - May 8, 2015

* Invited Speaker, Illinois Department of Corrections, Entire e Corrections Staff,  including all mental health workers and law enforcement personnel
Springfield, Illinois - March 25, 2015

"A Past Presidential Panel on Getting the Word Out on Trauma"
Invited Speaker, APA Division 56: APA Annual Convention
Denver, Colorado - August 5, 2016

"Federal Advocacy for Prescriptive Privileges at VA and Individual States' RxP Updates"
Invited Speaker, APA Division 55: APA Annual Convention
Denver, Colorado - August 5, 2016

"The Experience of being Jewish and how it has infused my leadership roles"
Invited Speaker: Center for Jewish Life, Hillel at Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey - April 18, 2016

“Prescriptive Authority for Psychologists in Illinois”
Invited Speaker, Illinois State Bar Association Healthcare Section Council
Chicago, Illinois - January 15, 2016

"The Implementation of the Illinois Prescriptive Authority Law"
Invited Speaker: Illinois Psychological Association Annual Statewide Convention
Chicago, Illinois - November 6, 2015

"Prescriptive Authority for Psychologists:  Following Successful Legislative Passage in 2014 to Statewide Implementation in 2015 and Beyond"
Chair and Speaker, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Annual Conference
Techny Tower, Northbrook, Illinois - October 3, 2015

"Legislative Advocacy for Prescriptive Authority in the U.S. and Canada"
Invited Speaker: Division 55 Symposium, APA Annual Convention
Toronto, Canada - August 8, 2015

"So You Want to Pass a Law?"
Invited Speaker: Division 56 Symposium,  APA Annual Convention
Toronto, Canada - August 8, 2015

"The Illinois Prescriptive Authority Law:  What is Unique, Exciting, and Challenging?"
Invited Speaker: Division 55 Symposium, APA Annual Convention
Toronto, Canada - August 6, 2015

"Passing a Prescriptive Authority Law in Illinois"
Invited Speaker: Panel on Policy and Science, APA Council Meeting
Washington, DC - February 20, 2015

“Prescriptive Authority in Illinois:  A Celebration and Next Steps”
Invited Speaker: Illinois Psychological Association Statewide Annual Convention
Chicago, Illinois - November 7, 2014

"Prescriptive Authority in Illinois:  A Celebration"
Invited Speaker, Psychopharmacology Celebration: Honoring the Pioneer of Prescriptive Authority:  Elaine LeVine, Ph.D.
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico - October 18, 2014

"Prescriptive Authority in Illinois:  The Time Has Arrived"
Invited Speaker, Illinois Department of Corrections,  All Departmental Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists, Counselors
Springfield, Illinois - August 1, 2014

IPAGS Conversation and Question/Answer Session about Prescription Privileges
Invited Panel Speaker: Illinois Psychological Association Statewide Annual Convention
Schaumburg, Illinois - November 2, 2012

"Innovative Practices in the Practice of Psychology"
Invited Keynote Speaker: Multi-Campus Integration Conference
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Chicago, Illinois - May 30, 2012

 "Child Sexual Abuse and Elder Sexual Abuse," on the Panel:  Forensic Psychology in the Courtroom:  Do's and Don'ts
Invited Speaker: American Psychological Association Annual Convention
Washington, DC - August 6, 2011

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